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FAQs - Vendors
An offender in services at my agency has requested that I disclose his/her treatment records to a third party. Can I do this? Do I have get the permission of the probation office first?
Our state’s licensing agency wants to review our federal files as part of our licensing audit. I know the federal files must be maintained as confidential. Can I let the state auditors review the federal files?
In order to comply with state substance abuse licensure requirements, I must complete an intake assessment on each individual referred for services. The USPO didn’t authorize an intake assessment on the program plan. Can I complete an assessment and charg
My BPA with the probation office says I have to keep all federal files separate from other client files. Does this mean that I also can’t put federal offenders/defendants in services with other clients?
I have been subpoenaed by a defendant/offender’s attorney to testify in court. How do I proceed?
Will officers inform our agency about defendants/offenders who are HIV positive or who have been diagnosed with AIDS?