Filling out a job application completely takes time and effort on your part. Reduce this added stress by completing a master job application that you can take with you when applying for jobs. With all the information at your fingertips, you are able to fill out the application right there and then. By the time you take it home, fill it out, and bring it back, the position may already be filled.
Here are some tips on filling out an application:
- Print clearly with a blue or black pen
- Don't leave any blank spaces. If the question does not apply to you, write Not Applicable or N/A
- Check for spelling and grammatical errors
- Suggested responses for reasons for leaving (be truthful with your answers and prepared to explain if asked in an interview)
- Better growth opportunity
- Career change
- Raise family
- Reduction of workforce
- Seasonal work
- Temporary work
- Further education
- Relocation
- "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" Answer this question truthfully. In the explanation blank, refer to the Letter of Explanation.
A signed job application is a legal document. Provide truthful and accurate information.