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Job Readiness

Are you job ready?

Required Identification

All U.S. employers must complete an Employment Eligibility Verification Form for each individual they hire. Before you begin your job search, we suggest you have in your possession a state-issued identification card or driver's license, Social Security card, and/or birth certificate to prove that you are eligible to work in the United States. 

Master Job Application

Do you struggle with remembering dates, addresses, skills, supervisors' names and phone numbers?  Have a master job application that you can refer to when filling out those long applications.  You will have all the information you need to fill out any job application completely.

Resume, References & Cover Letter

Some employers will interview you the day you come in to fill out an application.  Bring a copy of your resume and references when you are out looking for a job, at a job fair, or networking.

Letter of Explanation

Most job applications will have a section relating to felony convictions.  Take the time to write a Letter of Explanation demonstrating to an employer a commitment to find meaningful employment.

Interests and Skills Assessments

Don't just settle for a job, work toward a career.  Find an occupation that peaks your interests and determine what skills you have or need to acquire for that career.  Take an assessment to find a good match.

Child Support

The earlier in the process that you contact the Division of Child Support, the better the outcome.  Child support collection does not stop if you are incarcerated, but orders could be reviewed for modification prior to incarceration.